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发布者:上海零距离 发布时间: 2008/8/21 浏览次数:

Rental Agreement
租 车 合 同

Party A: Shanghai Rang Lee Rent a Car Co., Ltd    (hereinafter called Party A)
甲 方:上海零距离汽车租赁有限公司   (以下简称甲方)

Party B: _________________________________   (hereinafter called Party B)
乙 方:                             (以下简称乙方)

WHEREAS, Party A desires to offer the car rental and driving service to Party B; THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and convents contained herein, the two parties reach the following agreement. During the term of the agreement, the ownership of the said vehicle shall belong to Party A and the drivers designated shall be employees of Party A while Party B owns the right to use the vehicle and driver hired.

One. Rental Rates
一、 租车标的

1. It is required by Party B that Party A shall provide__________________ (Vehicle Category) _______ (Quantity) with the designated drivers. The monthly rental charges shall be on the basis of 22 days.
乙方的要求,甲方向乙方提供               并指派专职司机驾驶,月租车费以22天计算。
Monthly Rental Charges: ______yuan/mon th
月  租  车  费:             元/月
Remuneration of the Drivers: ______yuan/month
驾驶员津贴:                 元/月
Basic Monthly Mileage: ________ yuan/month
月 基 本 里 程:             月/公里
Extra Mileage Charges: __________yuan/km
   超公里计费:           元/公里

2. In accordance with the provisions stipulated in national labor law, the weekly work hours of the drivers shall be 40 hours.
Daily Work Hours: _______ hours
日工作时间:              小时
Overtime Work at Weekends: ________ yuan/hour
双 休 日 加 班:           元/小时
Overtime Work: _________yuan/hour
超时计费:                  元/小时
Overtime Work on National Holidays: _________yuan/hour
国定节假日加班:            元/小时

Two. Payment

The term of the agreement shall be deemed as the term of the lease. Party B shall pay __________ as the deposit which will be refunded after all the rental charges are paid off upon the expiration of the agreement and the voucher of the deposit shall be presented to Party A. The rental fee for the first month shall be paid by Party B when the agreement is signed and the rental fee for the subsequent month shall be paid to Party A in cash, cheque or bank transfer with a lump payment before the agreement is signed. The extra mileage charges shall be settled every month.
本合同订立期限为租车期限,乙方需支付 _壹个月租金__作为保证金,租赁到期,乙方结清全部租车费用后,可持保证金凭证到甲方退回保证金。乙方在签约之时支付首月租金,并在每月签定合同日之前,以 现金、支票或划帐 形式一次性向甲方予付当月月租费,超公里和加班费每月结算一次。

Three. The Responsibilities of the Two Parties
三、 双方责任
a) Responsibilities of Party A:

1. Ensure the good technical performance of the vehicles and in compliance with the traffic regulations.

2. Provide the regular maintenance of the vehicles and make the vehicles look tidy and clean. The expenses for the maintenance, services and gasoline as well as the salary of the drivers shall be borne by Party A.

3. The vehicle damage insurance and third party liability insurance shall be borne by Party A and buy the insurance required by Party B at the expenses of Party B.

4. Provide the necessary training and safety education to the drivers to ensure the excellent driving service and the vehicle and driving service shall be available on request.

5. In case that Party B is unsatisfied with the service of the driver, Party A shall replace the driver unconditionally.

6. In the event of any accident caused by the drivers of Party A, Party A shall deal with the accidents in accordance with the traffic regulations; when the vehicle is being repaired, another vehicle with the equivalent level shall be provided to Party A for free.

7. In case of any change in the rental rates of the vehicles of the same type as the leased vehicles made by the price authority, Party A has the right to adjust the rental rate according to regulations promulgated by the government.

b) Responsibilities of Party B:

1. The use of the vehicles shall comply with the laws and regulations. In the event of any violation, the legal responsibilities shall be fully assumed by Party B.

2. The vehicles shall be used according to their performance and capacity. It is prohibited to use the vehicle for the transportation inconsistent with the purpose of the vehicle. If Party B disobeys the rule and cause damage to vehicle or lead to any accident, all the expenses incurred shall be borne by Party B.

3. Party B shall not assign the vehicle leased without the consent of Party A or use for unauthorized purposes.

4. Party B shall offer the assistance during the maintenance of the vehicles at the cost of the Party A as well as in the training of the drivers organized once every month by Party A as required by the local regulations.

5. Party A shall report the mileage of the vehicle leased to Party B at the end of the month to ensure the maintenance of the vehicles. Any damage to the vehicles due to the fault of Party B shall be compensated by Party B.

6. Party B shall offer the resting place and gas oil cost  and parking lot to the driver and all the toll and parking charges during the using of the vehicles shall be borne by Party B.

7. The rental fee shall be paid in accordance with the stipulations in the agreement or 3% of the monthly rental fee will be charged on a daily basis as the penalty for overdue payment.

Four. Term of the Agreement

The agreement takes effect from__________ to ___________ which can be renewed one month prior to the expiration of the agreement with the consent of the two parties. If either of the two parties needs to make amendment in the agreement within the term of the agreement, the 3 months prior written notice shall be given to the other party. Upon the termination of the agreement, Party B shall pay off the unsettled rental fee on the basis of the rental rates specified in the agreement.
本合同自       年     月    日起至    年    月     日止。合同到期前一个月双方可通过协商续订合同。合同期间,如一方需要更改合同,应提前三月以书面形式通知对方。合同终止后,乙方应按本合同规定的租车费用,付清全部未结算天数的费用。

Five. Breach of Contract

In the event either party breaches an obligation under this agreement, the other party shall be notified one month in advance and the party in fault shall pay 30% of the rental fee unfulfilled in the contract as the penalty.

Six. Other matters not contained in the agreement shall be settled friendly by negotiation or included in the appendix.
Seven. The agreement is made into two copies and either of the two parties keeps one copy with the equivalent legal effect. The two parties hereto have caused this agreement to be duly executed by duly authorized representatives of both parties as of the date and year first above written. The agreement terminates upon the return of the vehicle and settlement of all the expenses.

Eight. Additional Clause


Party A: Shanghai Rang Lee Rent a Car Co., Ltd Party B:_______________________
甲  方: 上海零距离汽车租赁有限公司          乙  方:                          

Seal: __________________________________  Seal: ________________________
盖  章:                                      盖  章:                          
Legal Representative:_____________________  Legal Representative:___________
法人代表人:                                  法人代表人:                      

Date: __________________________________  Date: _______________________
签定日期:          年     月     日           签定日期:        年     月     日

Company Address: _______________________  Company Address:_____________
公司地址:                                    公司地址:                        

Phone: ________________________________   Phone:______________________
电  话:                                       电  话:                        


班车租赁 Train lease
涉外包车 Foreign-chartered
旅游租车 Travel chartered bus
空车租赁 Empty rental
企业租车 Enterprise Car Rental
机场接送 Airport Shuttle
汽车租赁 Rental car
长途往返 Long-distance round-trip
会议租车 Conference Car
司机租赁 Drivers lease
商务租车 Car Rental Business
上海包车 Chartered Shanghai
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联 系 人:庞先生(18964600448)、李先生(18918139975)、高小姐(18918138389)、范小姐 *企业长期租车专线:朱小姐(13166326066) 许先生(13023271127)
电话:021-51085778 51699975 56147136 56147266(平时9:00-17:30) 021-51699975(24小时值班电话) 传 真:021-56147957
地址: 浦西租车分部:1、上海市邯郸路98号甲11层(无锡大厦) 2、上海市汶水东路121号702~708座 3、上海市凇南路459号217座 4、上海市水电路638号410A、411室 5、上海市宁国南路85号(杨浦大桥下大型专用停车场)浦东租车分部:浦东新区峨山路613号B区(陆家嘴金融商圈近东方路)